Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stepcare Health Footwear Relieve Foot Pain

Stepcare’s health footwear with 85% shock absorbing Poron insole can relieve foot pain, heel pain and back pain. Reduce tiredness in feet, reduce callous formation, enhance comfort and protect joint health. Especially for prolong standing and walking.

Daily wear and tear from STEP SHOCK is one of the most common cause of foot pain. Each step you take generates a jarring force 50 percent greater than your body weight. The average person takes as many as 8000 pounding steps (three to four miles) everyday on hard surfaces. Incredibly, the feet of a 165-pound man bear a cumulative weight of 660 tons a day. We call this tremendous impact ``step shock`. Step shock is one of the leading causes of foot pain.

Aging is also one of the primary causes of foot pain. No part of your body needs more protection from pressure and impact than the soles of your feet. That’s the reason the skin on the bottom of your feet is thicker and denser than on the rest of your body. We refer to the fatty pads on the soles of your feet as your `natural shock absorbers.` After enduring years of step shock, your natural shock absorbers begin to thin and wear out. That`s why you experience more foot pain as you get older.

Step shock aggravates and worsens knee pain. Shoes with shock-absorbing insoles are often an overlooked remedy for knee pain. Stepcare`s health footwear with Poron insole stop the impact of step shock at its source, preventing the painful shock waves from reaching your knees, helping to relieve knee pain.



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